Kobo e-readers

Canadian corporation Kobo inc. was recently bought by Japanese company Rakuten. Kobo eBooks brands are included in the four most popular devices for reading in America and Canada, along with the Amazon Kindle, Nook Simple Touch and Sony. All devices lineup Kobo have slim ergonomic body and touch screen. To operate the unit are only a power button and the device power button backlight (in models with LED backlit screen). All other operations are performed with the reader with a touch screen.

All e-book readers Kobo have a very large resource of the battery. In the specifications on the manufacturer's website says that the Wi-Fi off and lighting a single charge should last an average of one month of reading (for models Kobo mini, Kobo touch, Kobo glo) and two months of reading model Kobo aura.

All Kobo readers have wi-fi module.

For Russian-speaking users Kobo book has quite a few disadvantages: the basic format for reading books is EPUB, support FB2, DJVU - no. Also there is no the Russian interface and foreign-Russian dictionaries in the original firmware. Books must be pumped a bunch of the root folder, subfolders aren’t supported (only collection).

Ридеры Kobo: Kobo mini, Kobo touch, Kobo Glo, Kobo aura.
Kobo mini Kobo touch Kobo glo Kobo aura

Kobo mini model is a budget version of the reader with a five-inch screen. The book fits easily into a pocket, but for the small size has to pay no slot for a memory card. Device screen E-ink Pearl is 600 x 800 pixels. Internal memory - 2 Gb, of which the user can 1 Gb. The software takes rest place.

Kobo touch has the same resolution and screen type as Kobo mini. Diagonal - 6 inches. In this model it is already possible to install micro SD-card. The internal memory is also only 2 Gb, but only 1 Gb can be used.

Kobo glo is like the Kobo touch on characteristics. Unlike in the case design, available adjustable LED backlight, its resolution – 758x1024 pixels and scope of internal memory - 2 Gb all available to the user - 1,32 Gb. In the reader has applications for working with social networks Facebook and Twitter.

In Kobo aura internal memory and battery life is doubled. Other parameters are like the Kobo glo.

General characteristics for all e-book readers:

Some disadvantages of the software of these models can be eliminated by installing additional software to read text COOLREADER, how to do it is written here: Coolreader in Kobo.

Selection of resources in the internet reader Kobo (created in Russian dictionaries, file of word wraps, firmware, instructions, discussions), found in the "Links."

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Kobo Aura6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Kobo Aura H2O6.8E-ink Carta1080 x 144015:1    
Kobo Aura HD6.8E-ink Pearl HD1080 x 144012:1    
Kobo Aura One7.8E-ink Carta HD1404 x 187215:1    
Kobo Glo6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Kobo Glo HD6E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Kobo Mini5E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Kobo Touch6E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Kobo Touch 2.06E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Kobo Aura        
Kobo Aura H2O        
Kobo Aura HD        
Kobo Aura One        
Kobo Glo        
Kobo Glo HD        
Kobo Mini        
Kobo Touch        
Kobo Touch 2.0        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Kobo Aura        
Kobo Aura H2O        
Kobo Aura HD        
Kobo Aura One        
Kobo Glo        
Kobo Glo HD        
Kobo Mini        
Kobo Touch        
Kobo Touch 2.0        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Kobo Aura      Linux     
Kobo Aura H2O      Linux     
Kobo Aura HD      Linux     
Kobo Aura One      Linux 
Kobo Glo      Linux     
Kobo Glo HD      Linux 
Kobo Mini      Linux     
Kobo Touch      Linux     
Kobo Touch 2.0      Linux 




What to read?

Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic". Red Schuhart is a stalker, one of those strange misfits who are compelled by some unknown force to venture illegally into the Zone and, in spite of the extreme danger, collect the mysterious artefacts that the alien visitors left scattered around. His life is dominated by the Zone and the thriving black market in the alien products. Even the nature of his daughter has been determined by the Zone. And it is for her that Red makes his last, tragic foray into the hazardous and hostile depths...

What to read?

Stephen King "11.22.63". WHAT IF you could go back in time and change the course of history? WHAT IF the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination? 11.22.63, the date that Kennedy was shot - unless... King takes his protagonist Jake Epping, a high school English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, 2011, on a fascinating journey back to 1958 - from a world of mobile phones and iPods to a new world of Elvis and JFK, of Plymouth Fury cars and Lindy Hopping, of a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and a beautiful high school librarian named Sadie Dunhill, who becomes the love of Jake's life - a life that transgresses all the normal rules of time.

Linwood Barclay "No Time For Goodbye". On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archer awakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an even nastier confrontation with her mom and dad. But when she leaves her bedroom, she discovers the house is empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. In the blink of an eye, without any explanation, her family has simply disappeared. Twenty-five years later Cynthia is still haunted by unanswered questions...

To find these books, check out the "e-library".