Choosing a cover for a e-reader

To protect the screen e-book from mechanical damage is very convenient to use the cover. Reader is inserted into the cover in the closed position and looks like a paper book. Simple, convenient, practical.

Part of electronic readers, like Texet, Digma, Lbook, Wexler supplied with book cover. In devices like Pocketbook, Amazon Kindle, Sony, Nook Simple Touch, Booken Cybook book cover is not supplied. In stores you can purchase covers two varieties: original and third-party development.

Choosing a cover for a e-book reader

Original book cover - is an optional accessory which was produced by manufacturers of electronic books for their devices. They are best adapted to the design of the book, often have special plastic retainers to secure the device in the cover. The price of this cover can be up to one-third the cost of the reader.

Book covers of third-party companies can be as close as possible to the original, or have a completely different design and method of attachment to the book cover. In most cases, the corners mount is made of leather (synthetic leather) or rubber which secure the cover to the e-book. Such cover is much cheaper than the original, and may be functionally no worse.

If you are looking for cover for Pocketbook, Amazon Kindle, Sony, Nook Simple Touch, Booken Cybook, they can be found in one of the following stores:

  and many others ...

If you have fallen into disrepair from the book cover of another model, it is necessary to select the right size. As it turned out, many e-books are similar in size. Data are shown in the table and sorted into groups having the same size. But picking up on a table close to the size of the cover from the other device, it is better to first look at it in the store and even try on, and only then buy or order online stores.

L х W х H, ммBrandModelBuy
128 x 84 x 8RitmixRBK-200
131 x 88 x 9TexetTB-436
140 x 93 x 8TexetTB-504
142 x 100 x 7Pocketbook515 Mini
133 x 102 x 10KoboMini
148 x 102 x 8Digmae501
144 x 103 x 9Digmae5
146 x 105 x 9SONYPRS-350
151 x 105 x 10LbookV5
151 x 105 x 10LbookV5 light
155 x 105 x 9WexlerE5001
178 x 106 x 9Digmas675
158 x 107 x 10SONYPRS-300
163 x 107 x 8PocketbookULTRA 650
151 x 108 x 10Bookeen CybookOpus
161 x 108 x 8Pocketbook627    
161 x 108 x 8Pocketbook616    
161 x 108 x 8Pocketbook632    
161 x 108 x 8Pocketbook628    
160 x 109 x 11SONYPRS-T3    
151 x 110 x 8Pocketbook630 Fashion    
164 x 110 x 8QumoLibro
164 x 110 x 10QumoLibro II
164 x 110 x 10QumoLibro Lux II
173 x 110 x 9SONYPRS-T1    
173 x 110 x 9SONYPRS-T2    
159 x 113 x 9KoboAura Edition 2
159 x 113 x 10TexetTB-176FL
174 x 113 x 9DigmaR656
174 x 113 x 9TeslaLitera FL 6.0
175 x 113 x 11WexlerE6007
150 x 114 x 8KoboAura
157 x 114 x 10KoboGlo    
159 x 114 x 8Onyx BOOXMonte Cristo
159 x 114 x 8Onyx BOOXRobinson Crusoe
159 x 114 x 8Onyx BOOXRobinson Crusoe 2
165 x 114 x 10KoboTouch
175 x 114 x 9Pocketbook631 Touch HD    
155 x 115 x 9Readerbook 2
157 x 115 x 9KoboGlo HD    
157 x 115 x 9KoboTouch 2.0
162 x 115 x 8AMAZON KINDLEVoyage    
165 x 115 x 9RitmixRBK-615    
165 x 115 x 9RitmixRBK-675FL    
165 x 115 x 9RitmixRBK-676FL    
166 x 115 x 9AMAZON KINDLE4 Special offer    
166 x 115 x 9AMAZON KINDLE5 Special offer    
167 x 115 x 9WexlerE6005
174 x 115 x 8PocketbookBasic Touch 624
174 x 115 x 8PocketbookTouch Lux 2 626    
174 x 115 x 8Pocketbook614 Basic 2    
174 x 115 x 8PocketbookTouch Lux 3 626 Plus    
174 x 115 x 8Pocketbook615    
174 x 115 x 8Pocketbook625 Basic Touch 2    
174 x 115 x 8Pocketbook615 Plus    
174 x 115 x 8Pocketbook614 Basic 3 Plus    
174 x 115 x 9PocketbookAqua 640
174 x 115 x 9Pocketbook641 Aqua 2
175 x 115 x 10PocketbookTouch 622    
175 x 115 x 10PocketbookTouch Lux 623    
177 x 115 x 11WexlerE6003
155 x 116 x 8Bookeen CybookMuse Essential
155 x 116 x 8Bookeen CybookMuse FrontLight
163 x 116 x 8RoverBookAlpha
163 x 116 x 8Digmar67M    
163 x 116 x 8Digmar63S    
164 x 116 x 8DigmaR657    
164 x 116 x 8DigmaE627    
164 x 116 x 8DigmaE628    
164 x 116 x 8DigmaR658    
164 x 116 x 8DigmaR659    
164 x 116 x 8Gmini Magic BookW6HD    
164 x 116 x 8Gmini Magic BookS6HD    
164 x 116 x 8TeslaViva    
164 x 116 x 8Digmar663    
164 x 116 x 8Digmae654    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaE629    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaE626    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaE630    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaE631    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaR660    
164 x 116 x 9Digmae64m    
164 x 116 x 9DigmaE632    
164 x 116 x 9Digmae6DG    
164 x 116 x 9Digmae65g    
164 x 116 x 10ReaderBook 1
170 x 116 x 8Digmar60g
170 x 116 x 8Gmini Magic BookR6HD
169 x 117 x 9AMAZON KINDLEPaperwhite    
169 x 117 x 9AMAZON KINDLEPaperwhite 2013    
169 x 117 x 9AMAZON KINDLEPaperwhite 2015    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC67ML Magellan 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC67SM BERING 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC67SML Columbus    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC63L    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC63M    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXDarvin 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXМиклухо-Маклай    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXColumbus 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXAmundsen    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXBering 3    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXVasco da Gama    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXC67ML Darvin    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXCaesar    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXJames Cook    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXCaesar 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXVasco da Gama 2    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXVasco da Gama 3    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXCaesar 3    
170 x 117 x 9Onyx BOOXDarvin 6    
176 x 117 x 9TexetTB-156
188 x 117 x 9Digmas605
160 x 118 x 8Gmini Magic BookQ6LHD
160 x 118 x 9DigmaT646
160 x 118 x 9DigmaS676
176 x 118 x 10Gmini Magic BookP60
188 x 118 x 9Pocketbook301
163 x 119 x 9Barnes and NobleGlowLight Plus
169 x 119 x 9AMAZON KINDLE7 Special offer
170 x 119 x 9TexetTB-526FL
170 x 119 x 9TexetTB-536FL
188 x 119 x 8Digmas605f
188 x 119 x 8Gmini Magic BookV6HD
188 x 119 x 9Digmas602w
166 x 120 x 9Bookeen CybookOdissey 2013 Edition
166 x 120 x 9Bookeen CybookOdissey HD Frontlight
168 x 120 x 10SONYPRS-650
172 x 120 x 9TexetTB-416FL
172 x 120 x 9TexetTB-416
172 x 120 x 10AMAZON KINDLETouch Special Offer    
180 x 120 x 10Ross&MoorLuna RME-601
161 x 121 x 12Gmini Magic BookA6LHD
174 x 121 x 8PrestigioPER3664BC
174 x 121 x 10SONYPRS-600
184 x 121 x 10LbookV3+
184 x 121 x 10LbookV3+ light
143 x 122 x 9AMAZON KINDLEOASIS    
175 x 122 x 8SONYPRS-505
189 x 122 x 11PrologyLatitude I-602
167 x 123 x 10TexetTB-136
168 x 123 x 8TexetTB-566
176 x 123 x 9Gmini Magic BookC6HD
176 x 123 x 10Pocketbook611 Basic
176 x 123 x 10Pocketbook613 Basic New
176 x 123 x 10Gmini Magic BookC6LHD
178 x 123 x 7TexetTB-506
179 x 123 x 11Digmas665
179 x 123 x 11Digmat635
179 x 123 x 11Digmat645
189 x 123 x 11Digmaq600
190 x 123 x 9AMAZON KINDLE3 Wi-Fi
206 x 123 x 15SONYPRS-900
145 x 124 x 10Pocketbook360 Plus New
160 x 124 x 9TexetTB-116
160 x 124 x 9TexetTB-126
169 x 124 x 9Digmae6
176 x 124 x 14SONYPRS-500
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi62M Victoria
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi62ML
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi63SL Kepler
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi63ML Kopernik
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi63ML Maxwell
171 x 125 x 11Onyx BOOXi63M NEWTON
172 x 125 x 9TexetTB-146
185 x 125 x 11LbookV60
192 x 125 x 10Digmae601hd
192 x 125 x 10Gmini Magic BookM6HD
192 x 125 x 10Gmini Magic BookM6FHD
192 x 125 x 10RitmixRBK-700
192 x 125 x 10Digmae600
160 x 126 x 10TexetTB-116FL
174 x 126 x 8Digmae605
174 x 126 x 8Gmini Magic BookZ6
174 x 126 x 8Gmini Magic BookR6L
174 x 126 x 10Gmini Magic BookZ6HD
184 x 126 x 8TexetTB-216
188 x 126 x 10ViewSonicVEB620
164 x 127 x 11WexlerE6001
164 x 127 x 11WexlerE6002
165 x 127 x 12Barnes and NobleNOOK Simple Touch    
165 x 127 x 12Barnes and NobleNOOK with GlowLight    
174 x 127 x 10SONYPRS-700
176 x 127 x 10Barnes and NobleNOOK GlowLight 3
176 x 127 x 12Digmae625
176 x 127 x 12DigmaR655
204 x 127 x 9IRIVERSTORY
165 x 128 x 11Barnes and NobleNOOK GlowLight    
176 x 128 x 12KoboAura HD    
176 x 128 x 12KoboAura H2O    
180 x 128 x 10TexetTB-166
190 x 128 x 9IRIVERSTORY HD
200 x 128 x 10SONYPRS-950
184 x 131 x 11Gmini Magic BookM61SHD
182 x 132 x 11PocketbookPro 602    
182 x 132 x 11PocketbookPro 612    
182 x 132 x 11PocketbookPro 603    
194 x 132 x 9Onyx BOOXT76 SML Nefertiti
194 x 132 x 9Onyx BOOXCleopatra
194 x 132 x 9Onyx BOOXCleopatra 2
194 x 132 x 9Onyx BOOXCleopatra 3
151 x 134 x 11WexlerFlex One
195 x 137 x 8PocketbookInk Pad 3 PB740
195 x 139 x 7KoboAura One
196 x 150 x 7Bookeen CybookOcean
212 x 150 x 9TexetTB-138
221 x 151 x 10TexetTB-418FL
211 x 152 x 9TexetTB-578
180 x 153 x 11PrestigioPER5664BC
210 x 160 x 9Onyx BOOXi86ML Moby Dick
196 x 163 x 7PocketbookInk Pad 840
170 x 164 x 9ONEXTOnext Touch&Read 001
202 x 170 x 9PocketbookColor Lux 801
258 x 177 x 10Onyx BOOXPrometheus
234 x 179 x 12Onyx BOOXM96 Zeus
264 x 183 x 10AMAZON KINDLEDX
270 x 188 x 12EctacoJetbook Color
263 x 190 x 11PocketbookPro 903    
265 x 190 x 11PocketbookPro 902    
263 x 193 x 12PocketbookPro 912    



What to read?

Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram". A novel of high adventure, great storytelling and moral purpose, based on an extraordinary true story of eight years in the Bombay underworld. 'In the early 80s, Gregory David Roberts, an armed robber and heroin addict, escaped from an Australian prison to India, where he lived in a Bombay slum. There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier. He found time to learn Hindi and Marathi, fall in love, and spend time being worked over in an Indian jail. Then, in case anyone thought he was slacking, he acted in Bollywood and fought with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan...

What to read?

Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2034". The basis of two bestselling computer games Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light, the Metro books have put Dmitry Glukhovsky in the vanguard of Russian speculative fiction alongside the creator of Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko. A year after the events of METRO 2033 the last few survivors of the apocalypse, surrounded by mutants and monsters, face a terrifying new danger as they hang on for survival in the tunnels of the Moscow Metro...

Jean Kwok "Mambo in Chinatown". Twenty-two-year-old Charlie Wong grew up in New York’s Chinatown, the older daughter of a Beijing ballerina and a noodle maker. Though an ABC (American-born Chinese), Charlie’s entire life has been limited to this small area. Now grown, she lives in the same tiny apartment with her widower father and her eleven-year-old sister, and works—miserably—as a dishwasher...

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