LBook e-readers

The Ukrainian company LBook makes electronic books together with the Chinese company Jinke. On the different markets the device gets under different marks - LBOOK, JINKE, HANLIN, BEBOOK. The Software will be constantly improved, there are also alternative firmware.

There are very interesting mode of savings of energy at electronic books Lbook. After pressing of any key approximately in 40 seconds the device microprocessor passes in a sleeping mode and practically practically ceases to consume energy. It is possible not to switch off for years E-book readers of this firm! But for this mode it is necessary to pay hardly in the slowed down reaction to pressing of keys.


V3 V5 V60

Models V5 and V5 Light - devices c the five-inch screen (E-ink VizPlex). Well thought over bookshelf allows for formats FB2, MOBI, EPUB instead of a file name to see the book and author name. The program for reading Coolreader works stably, shows footnotes in the bottom of page. Lbook V5 - model with very big feature set at small cost. The numeric keypad is located under the screen, serves for a file choice in a mode "book shelf". In a mode of reading it carries out navigation functions under the book and type size changes. The keyboard arrangement under the display increases the size of the device is little. To look through pages it is possible by means of the keys which are located to the left of the screen, and also the lever which is on the case on the right. Model V5 Light differs from V5 absence of a bookcover and the power unit in a equipment, and also more modest price. Instead of a bookcover the equipment includes thin cover.

Model V3+ and V3+ Light - The increased copies of model V5 c the 6-inch screen. Differ from V5 that the lever for browsing has been replaced on two keys. The big plus of this model is application for a food of the device of a standard standard size of the battery. At replacement battery BL-4C from cellular telephone NOKIA is ideally suited. Model V3 + Light also it is delivered without the power unit and a bookcover.

Model V60 - The newest model of the book from LBOOK with the screen a diagonal of 6 inches. The software is similar to the previous models. In the device the full QWERTY-keyboard and Wi-Fi module wireless access to the Internet is added.

General characteristics for all e-book readers:

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Lbook V3+6VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Lbook V3+ light6VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Lbook V55VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Lbook V5 light5VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Lbook V606E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Lbook V3+        
Lbook V3+ light        
Lbook V5        
Lbook V5 light        
Lbook V60        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Lbook V3+        
Lbook V3+ light        
Lbook V5        
Lbook V5 light        
Lbook V60        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Lbook V3+      Linux 
Lbook V3+ light      Linux 
Lbook V5      Linux 
Lbook V5 light      Linux 
Lbook V60      Linux 



What to read?

Stephen King "Mr Mercedes". A cat-and-mouse suspense thriller featuring a retired homicide detective who's haunted by the few cases he left open, and by one in particular - the pre-dawn slaughter of eight people among hundreds gathered in line for the opening of a jobs fair when the economy was guttering out. Without warning, a lone driver ploughed through the crowd in a stolen Mercedes. The plot is kicked into gear when Bill Hodges receives a letter in the mail, from a man claiming to be the perpetrator. He taunts Hodges with the notion that he will strike again. Hodges wakes up from his depressed and vacant retirement, hell-bent on preventing that from happening...

What to read?

Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram". A novel of high adventure, great storytelling and moral purpose, based on an extraordinary true story of eight years in the Bombay underworld. 'In the early 80s, Gregory David Roberts, an armed robber and heroin addict, escaped from an Australian prison to India, where he lived in a Bombay slum. There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier. He found time to learn Hindi and Marathi, fall in love, and spend time being worked over in an Indian jail. Then, in case anyone thought he was slacking, he acted in Bollywood and fought with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan...

Cecelia Ahern "PS, I Love You". A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel! Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens...

To find these books, check out the "e-library".