ONYX Boox e-reader

The international company ONYX International specialises on release of electronic books and delivers them in variety of the European countries, including Russia. It has let out already some models of electronic books from which for today in shops models i62 and i63 series.


i62m Victoria, i62m Albatros, i62m Dream differ from each other only in colour of the case and the price. The case of model Victoria is black, Albatros - white, Dream - grey. The screen of devices - E-ink Pearl touch, a diagonal of 6 inches, the permission is standard - 600 on 800 points. At model Dream the screen touch E-ink Pearl HD with the permission 758 on 1024 points. All models have module Wi-fi, the Internet browser, support almost all formats of files. Browsing keys on electronic books are located on both sides that allows to hold equally conveniently them by any hand. Loading of additional applications, games and fonts TTF are realised. There is a quite good file manager for management of files.

Very interesting developers have approached to realisation of reading of documents. In the menu of "ADJUSTMENT" for reading of formats FB2 and EPUB it is possible to choose one of two programs for reading the most popular in Russia - FBReader, established on all readers Pocketbook, or CoolReader, established on LBOOK reader. In the last case footnotes in the text should be displayed in the bottom of page.

Complete set Onyx BOOX i62M also the worthy: the Book, an USB-cable, the charger, a strong bookcover.

ONYX BOOK i63SL Kepler, i63ML Kopernik, i63ML Maxwell

i63SL Kepler, i63ML Kopernik, i63ML Maxwell the next series of models of e-books from ONYX BOOX. Device design has not changed. Two the most important differences from the series i63 i62 - using of Android operating system and adjustable LED backlight. Screen devices - E-ink Pearl HD, 6-inch diagonal, high resolution - 758 x 1024 pixels.

A model i63SL Kepler screen is not touch, no module wi-fi, but there is an audio jack for ear phones, internal memory - 4 Gb.

A model i63ML Kopernik is different from Kepler merely the absence of a jack for ear phones.

A model i63ML Maxwell has a touch screen, wi-fi module and internal memory of 8 Gb. There is no jack for ear phones.

All models allow you to use additional applications for android format. Apk. Bookshelf readers is improved for a little. Now it shows the book covers, but still does not show the titles and authors' names. Function keys are located on the sides of the device, they can be swapped, but unfortunately can’t be configured to simultaneously flipping pages and the left and right arrow keys.

Grade Onyx BOOX i63 remains the same: The Book, USB-cable, charger, durable bookcover.

Short about characteristics:

Foreign applications and updates: Games for Onyx BOOX i62M.

Selection of resources of the Internet aboutOnyx BOOX is in section "Links."

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Onyx BOOX Amundsen6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Bering 36E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX C63L6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX C63M6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX C67ML Magellan 26E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX C67SM BERING 26E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX C67SML Columbus6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX Caesar6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Caesar 26E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Caesar 36E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra6.8E-ink Pearl HD1080 x 144012:1    
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 26.8E-ink Carta1080 x 144015:1    
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 36.8E-ink Carta1080 x 144015:1    
Onyx BOOX Columbus 26E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Darvin 26E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Onyx BOOX Darvin 66E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Onyx BOOX James Cook6E-ink Carta800 x 60015:1    
Onyx BOOX M96 Zeus9.7E-ink Pearl825 x 120010:1    
Onyx BOOX Monte Cristo6E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Onyx BOOX Prometheus9.7E-ink Pearl825 x 120010:1    
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe6E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe 28E-ink Pearl HD1200 x 160012:1    
Onyx BOOX T76 SML Nefertiti6.8E-ink Pearl HD1080 x 144012:1    
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 26E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 36E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX i62M Victoria6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX i62ML6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX i63M NEWTON6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Onyx BOOX i63ML Kopernik6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX i63ML Maxwell6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX i63SL Kepler6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Onyx BOOX i86ML Moby Dick8E-ink Pearl HD1200 x 160012:1    
Onyx BOOX Миклухо-Маклай6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Onyx BOOX Amundsen        
Onyx BOOX Bering 3        
Onyx BOOX C63L        
Onyx BOOX C63M        
Onyx BOOX C67ML Magellan 2        
Onyx BOOX C67SM BERING 2        
Onyx BOOX C67SML Columbus        
Onyx BOOX Caesar        
Onyx BOOX Caesar 2        
Onyx BOOX Caesar 3        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 2        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 3        
Onyx BOOX Columbus 2        
Onyx BOOX Darvin 2        
Onyx BOOX Darvin 6        
Onyx BOOX James Cook        
Onyx BOOX M96 Zeus        
Onyx BOOX Monte Cristo        
Onyx BOOX Prometheus        
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe        
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe 2        
Onyx BOOX T76 SML Nefertiti        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 2        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 3        
Onyx BOOX i62M Victoria        
Onyx BOOX i62ML        
Onyx BOOX i63M NEWTON        
Onyx BOOX i63ML Kopernik        
Onyx BOOX i63ML Maxwell        
Onyx BOOX i63SL Kepler        
Onyx BOOX i86ML Moby Dick        
Onyx BOOX Миклухо-Маклай        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Onyx BOOX Amundsen        
Onyx BOOX Bering 3        
Onyx BOOX C63L        
Onyx BOOX C63M        
Onyx BOOX C67ML Magellan 2        
Onyx BOOX C67SM BERING 2        
Onyx BOOX C67SML Columbus        
Onyx BOOX Caesar        
Onyx BOOX Caesar 2        
Onyx BOOX Caesar 3        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 2        
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 3        
Onyx BOOX Columbus 2        
Onyx BOOX Darvin 2        
Onyx BOOX Darvin 6        
Onyx BOOX James Cook        
Onyx BOOX M96 Zeus        
Onyx BOOX Monte Cristo        
Onyx BOOX Prometheus        
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe        
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe 2        
Onyx BOOX T76 SML Nefertiti        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 2        
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 3        
Onyx BOOX i62M Victoria        
Onyx BOOX i62ML        
Onyx BOOX i63M NEWTON        
Onyx BOOX i63ML Kopernik        
Onyx BOOX i63ML Maxwell        
Onyx BOOX i63SL Kepler        
Onyx BOOX i86ML Moby Dick        
Onyx BOOX Миклухо-Маклай        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Onyx BOOX Amundsen      Android 
Onyx BOOX Bering 3      Android 
Onyx BOOX C63L      Android 
Onyx BOOX C63M      Android 
Onyx BOOX C67ML Magellan 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX C67SM BERING 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX C67SML Columbus      Android 
Onyx BOOX Caesar      Android 
Onyx BOOX Caesar 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX Caesar 3      Android 
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra      Android     
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 3      Android 
Onyx BOOX Columbus 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX Darvin 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX Darvin 6      Android 
Onyx BOOX James Cook      Android 
Onyx BOOX M96 Zeus      Linux     
Onyx BOOX Monte Cristo      Android 
Onyx BOOX Prometheus      Android 
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe      Android 
Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX T76 SML Nefertiti      Android     
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama      Android 
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 2      Android 
Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 3      Android 
Onyx BOOX i62M Victoria      Linux 
Onyx BOOX i62ML      Linux     
Onyx BOOX i63M NEWTON      Android 
Onyx BOOX i63ML Kopernik      Android 
Onyx BOOX i63ML Maxwell      Android 
Onyx BOOX i63SL Kepler      Android 
Onyx BOOX i86ML Moby Dick      Android 
Onyx BOOX Миклухо-Маклай      Android 




What to read?

Cecelia Ahern "Thanks for the Memories". A blood transfusion saves Joyce Conway’s life. After she wakes up, she finds that she has memories and knowledge that she did not possess before her accident. As she deals with her impending divorce and a miscarriage, Joyce encounters a handsome American, Justin. Joyce and Justin are drawn to each other. What is this magical connection?...

What to read?

Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic". Red Schuhart is a stalker, one of those strange misfits who are compelled by some unknown force to venture illegally into the Zone and, in spite of the extreme danger, collect the mysterious artefacts that the alien visitors left scattered around. His life is dominated by the Zone and the thriving black market in the alien products. Even the nature of his daughter has been determined by the Zone. And it is for her that Red makes his last, tragic foray into the hazardous and hostile depths...

Robert J. Sawyer "Wake". Caitlin Decter is young, pretty, feisty, a mathematics genius - and blind. Still, she can surf the net with the best of them, following its complex paths clearly in her mind. But Caitlin's brain long ago co-opted her primary visual cortex to help her navigate online. So when she receives an implant to restore her sight, instead of seeing reality, the landscape of the World Wide Web explodes into her consciousness, spreading out all around her in a riot of colors and shapes. While exploring this amazing realm, she discovers something - some other - lurking in the background. And it's getting more and more intelligent with each passing day. The first of a spellbinding future history trilogy that charts what will happen when the world's first first, and superior, artificial-intelligence is born in the web.

To find these books, check out the "e-library".