Wexler e-readers

The Russian company WEXLER lets out devices under the mark with the same name. These e-book readers are easy-to-work and comprehensible at the price, at the same time have a number of necessary functions. All models arriving today on counters of shops have the six-inch screen and the plastic case.

Wexler E6001,Wexler flex one, Wexler E6005

E-5001 E-6001 E-6002 E-6003 E-6005

Model Wexler E5001 - the most simple and inexpensive model in a ruler. The price of the electronic book recommended by the manufacturer, makes about 75 euro. Keys of browsing of pages are only on the joystick located under the screen, and it is not so convenient. Screen type - E-ink Vizplex. It is the most simple model, capable to meet the basic desires of users.

Model Wexler E6001 - more difficult and expensive model. For a choice of the necessary file there is a line of the numberic keys located to the left of the screen. The browsing key forward is added, but its arrangement became absolutely unsuccessful - on the right below. Screen type - E-ink Vizplex.

Model Wexler E6002 - with screen E-ink Pearl. Numberic keys have moved and take place to the right of the screen. In this model there is no separate key of browsing forward, navigation functions under the book are assigned to the joystick which became a bit convex. In the rest the reader differs from model E-6001 a little.

Model Wexler E6003 - with screen E-ink Pearl HD the permission 758х1024 points. In the device support of all basic formats of text documents, except for files MOBI is realised. The case is executed from plastic with a covering soft touch. Browsing keys remained only on the joystick that is not always confortable.

Model Wexler E6005 - only-that the gone on sale device with screen E-ink Pearl HD and an operating system Android.

Photos are taken from sites
www.wexler.ru и

Model Wexler Flex One it is so unusual that we result its photos separately. This electronic book is executed with application of the flexible shock-resistant screen E-ink Flex developed by company LG. Feature E-ink Flex is replacement of a glass substrate on polymeric therefore the screen becomes flexible and not so strongly is afraid of blows and deformations, as usual e-ink displays.

This type of the screen in the readers already was used by companies Nippon Klick Co. (Digma) and Gmini Co. (Gmini magic book). Design at these electronic books quite traditional, is reported only about the raised crash-worthiness of the screen. WEXLER has made the book, first, a little bent under the form, secondly, has executed it from a soft polymeric material that allows to bend the device display.

Therefore the battery, a SD-card, the keyboard and all electronics it is concentrated in thickened the basis of the case located under the screen. It has not allowed to supply the book with the capacious battery, and many owners of the device complain of its very small resource.

In the rest, the book is simple enough, in it has not appeared neither carryings over in texts, nor supports of dictionaries, not supprrt useful applications.

General characteristics for all e-book readers:

Selection of resources of the Internet about e-book readers Wexler is in section "Links."

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Wexler E50016VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Wexler E60016VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Wexler E60026E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Wexler E60036E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Wexler E60056E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Wexler E60076E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Wexler Flex One6E-ink FLEX758 x 102412:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Wexler E5001        
Wexler E6001        
Wexler E6002        
Wexler E6003        
Wexler E6005        
Wexler E6007        
Wexler Flex One        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Wexler E5001        
Wexler E6001        
Wexler E6002        
Wexler E6003        
Wexler E6005        
Wexler E6007        
Wexler Flex One        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Wexler E5001      Linux 
Wexler E6001      Linux 
Wexler E6002      Linux 
Wexler E6003      Linux 
Wexler E6005      Android 
Wexler E6007      Android 
Wexler Flex One      Linux 




What to read?

Cecelia Ahern "Thanks for the Memories". A blood transfusion saves Joyce Conway’s life. After she wakes up, she finds that she has memories and knowledge that she did not possess before her accident. As she deals with her impending divorce and a miscarriage, Joyce encounters a handsome American, Justin. Joyce and Justin are drawn to each other. What is this magical connection?...

What to read?

Sergey Dyachenko, Marina Dyachenko "The Scar". Reaching far beyond sword and sorcery, The Scar is a story of two people torn by disaster, their descent into despair, and their reemergence through love and courage. Sergey and Marina Dyachenko mix dramatic scenes with romance, action and wit, in a style both direct and lyrical. Written with a sure artistic hand, The Scar is the story of a man driven by his own feverish demons to find redemption and the woman who just might save him. Egert is a brash, confident member of the elite guards and an egotistical philanderer. But after he kills an innocent student in a duel, a mysterious man known as "The Wanderer" challenges Egert and slashes his face with his sword, leaving Egert with a scar that comes to symbolize his cowardice. Unable to end his suffering by his own hand, Egert embarks on an odyssey to undo the curse and the horrible damage he has caused, which can only be repaired by a painful journey down a long and harrowing path...

Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram". A novel of high adventure, great storytelling and moral purpose, based on an extraordinary true story of eight years in the Bombay underworld. 'In the early 80s, Gregory David Roberts, an armed robber and heroin addict, escaped from an Australian prison to India, where he lived in a Bombay slum. There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier. He found time to learn Hindi and Marathi, fall in love, and spend time being worked over in an Indian jail. Then, in case anyone thought he was slacking, he acted in Bollywood and fought with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan...

To find these books, check out the "e-library".