Dictionary for e-Book reader

Often, when we read we can see unfamiliar words , the translation of which we would like to understand . Many modern ebooks have the function of a dictionary that allows you to select the word you need and quickly find its meaning (translation) . The photo shows the dictionary Onyx Boox i62M and Pocketbook Touch 622 looks like.

Example of the dictionary on on ONYX BOOX i62m and POCKETBOOK

Not all models of electronic books have supporting of dictionaries. Dictionaries for each reader to look different. In some models, you have simply to double-tap the word, which translation or interpretation you need, in other to get to the dictionary , you need to execute some commands on the menu.

Different dictionaries can be originally installed in the device , or can be downloaded as an additional application. Built-in e-book dictionaries can't be replaced , they can only be turned off. Dictionaries installed separately are convenient because you can choose the most suitable variant for the user or use several dictionaries together. You can create dictionaries your own in some formats .

Below is a summary table of e-books, revealing the possibility of using them in different vocabularies.

Kindle / Nook / Cybook / Sony Pocketbook / Lbook / Onyx Kobo / Gmini

Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.
Amazon Kindle 4 Special Offer                        ²     ²                    ²
Paper -white                        ²     ²                    ²
Touch Special Offer                        ²     ²                    ²
3 Wi-Fi                        ²     ²                    ²
Barnes & Noble NOOK Simple Touch                               
NOOK with GlowLight                               
Bookeen Cybook Opus ¹                            
Odissey 2013 Edition ¹                        ²     ²            ²     
Odissey HD Frontlight ¹                        ²     ²            ²     
Sony PRS-300                   ³     ³     ³     ³     ³     ³     ³
PRS-350                   ³     ³     ³     ³       ³     ³

Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.
Pocketbook 360 plus new                        ²     ²                    
515 Mini                        ²     ²                    
Pro 602                        ²     ²                    
Pro 612                        ²     ²                    
611 Basic                        ²     ²                    
613 Basic                        ²     ²                    
Touch 622                        ²     ²                    
Touch 623                        ²     ²                    
Touch 624                        ²     ²                    
Lbook V5                            
Onyx BOOX i62M Capitan Nemo                            
i62M Albatros                        ³     ³                    
i62M Piligrim                        ³     ³                    
i63ML Maxwell                        ³     ³                    

Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.Expl. Eng.Expl. Fra.Expl. Ger.Expl. Rus. Eng. ▼ Rus.Fra. ▼ Rus.Ger. ▼ Rus.
  Kobo   Mini                                           
Aura HD                                           
  Gmini MagicBook   z6                        ³     ³               ³     ³
R6L                        ³     ³               ³     ³
C6HD                        ³     ³               ³     ³
C6LHD                        ³     ³               ³     ³

Symbols and notes:
- No.
- It is, after firmware change to an alternative.
- еIs, under some icons hidden links to downloads dictionaries.

 ¹ - only for EPUB format;

 ² - You can convert your own, site of the converter for BOOKEEN CYBOOK ,
for Pocketbook - in offical site .

 ³ - You can convert your own, StarDict format.

Dictionaries for Android devices

If your e-book (smartphone or tablet) works on Android and there's installed one of the programmes Cool Reader, Alreader или FbReader, you can download Fora Dictionary absolutely free from Google Play Market.This app the application will be automatically called up when you double-click on a word in the book reading mode.

So, before using you should download the dictionaries you need of StarDict format and repack into the folder "./fora". The programme supports several different profiles , where you can use different dictionaries. For example, you can create a separate profile for russian explanatory dictionaries and another one for english-russian.

The discussion of this programme is on 4pda.ru, the set of dictionaries can be downloaded here, here and here.

The list of models of e-books is: Barnes and Noble GlowLight Plus, Barnes and Noble NOOK GlowLight, Barnes and Noble NOOK GlowLight 3, Barnes and Noble NOOK Simple Touch, Barnes and Noble NOOK with GlowLight, Gmini Magic Book A6LHD, Gmini Magic Book Q6LHD, Onyx BOOX Amundsen, Onyx BOOX Bering 3, Onyx BOOX C63L, Onyx BOOX C63M, Onyx BOOX C67ML Darvin, Onyx BOOX C67ML Magellan 2, Onyx BOOX C67SM BERING 2, Onyx BOOX C67SML Columbus, Onyx BOOX Caesar, Onyx BOOX Caesar 2, Onyx BOOX Caesar 3, Onyx BOOX Cleopatra, Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 2, Onyx BOOX Cleopatra 3, Onyx BOOX Columbus 2, Onyx BOOX Darvin 2, Onyx BOOX Darvin 6, Onyx BOOX James Cook, Onyx BOOX Monte Cristo, Onyx BOOX Prometheus, Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe, Onyx BOOX Robinson Crusoe 2, Onyx BOOX T76 SML Nefertiti, Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama, Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 2, Onyx BOOX Vasco da Gama 3, Onyx BOOX i63M NEWTON, Onyx BOOX i63ML Kopernik, Onyx BOOX i63ML Maxwell, Onyx BOOX i63SL Kepler, Onyx BOOX Миклухо-Маклай, SONY PRS-T1, SONY PRS-T2, Texet TB-138, Texet TB-166, Texet TB-176FL, Wexler E6007, and also some more.




What to read?

Linwood Barclay "No Time For Goodbye". On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archer awakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an even nastier confrontation with her mom and dad. But when she leaves her bedroom, she discovers the house is empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. In the blink of an eye, without any explanation, her family has simply disappeared. Twenty-five years later Cynthia is still haunted by unanswered questions...

What to read?

Yann Martel "Life of Pi". After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, one solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen-year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra with a broken leg, a female orang-utan - and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. Since it was first published in 2002, Life of Pi has entered mainstream consciousness and remains one of the most extraordinary works of fiction in recent years.

Neil Gaiman "Trigger Warning". From one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved storytellers of our time comes a major new collection of stories and verse "We each have our little triggers ... things that wait for us in the dark corridors of our lives." So says Neil Gaiman in his introduction to Trigger Warning, a remarkable compendium of twenty-five stories and poems that explore the transformative power of imagination.

To find these books, check out the "e-library".

See also: