PocketBook e-readers

The company PocketBook places manufacture of its devices in China. Corporation Netronix was producing e-readers until recently, In the user manual of models 515 and Mini 614, 623, 624, 626, 640, 650 as a manufacturer was specified "Shenzhen Itva Digital Applians Co. Limited". Books qualitative enough execution and as the software is developed with the assistance of the Ukrainian experts the feature set in these devices is very rich and corresponds to our wishes.The firmware will be constantly improved. For books of this firm there is the alternative software, games, and additional applications.

All readers from Pocketbook are supplied with a little preinstalled library on several languages. On the site of support of the company it's always possible to download English-Russian, Russian-German dictionary and explanatory dictionoryof Dal for each produced model.


360 Plus Basic 611
Basic New
Pro 602
Pro 612
Mini 515 Touch 622
Touch 623
Touch 624

Models 360 plus and 360 Plus New - are unique five-inch screen devices (E-ink VizPlex), let out PocketBook. On parametres they are almost identical, therefore we consider them together. Electronic books of these models are executed in the plastic case with a protective plastic bonnet. The bonnet protects the screen at device transportation, at reading it can be fastened to the bottom part of the case. As a result it is possible to use the book without a cover or a purse. Command keys are located on the right side of case. In the centre the joystick, and from above and from below browsing keys are located. In the book is gyro sensor (accelerometer) which watches the device orientation, correctly turning the image at case turn. For example, if you were tired to thumb through the right hand, turn the device on 180 degrees and thumb through the right hand.

Model Basic 611 - the device with 6-inch screen E-ink VizPlex, is executed in the qualitative plastic case. At this e-book reader of a key of browsing and the joystick are located from below that is not always convenient. Keys soft, are easily pressed. In the rest - a fine combination of rich feature set and the low price. From here and the name: BASIC - base model.

Model Basic New or Pocketbook 613 - practically a copy of electronic book Basic 611 without module Wi-Fi and with a little changed software, sold at lower price.

Model Pro 602 - the device with 6-inch screen E-ink VizPlex, except keys of browsing and the joystick, located below the screen has browsing and exit keys in the menus located on the right, for pressing them a hand thumb. In the book is accelerometer which watches the device orientation, correctly turning text on the screen at case turn. In the rest the book is similar to 611 model.

Model Pro 612 - is device with 6-inch touch screen E-ink VizPlex, differs from model Pro 602 absence of the bottom keys of browsing. Convenience of management of the book has increased in comparison with the previous models thanks to possibility of management of the device by means of the touch screen.

Model Touch 622 - the device with 6-inch touch screen E-ink Pearl. It hasn&t lateral keys of browsing, but in the presence of the touch screen in them there is no necessity. The newest model from PocketBook with the greatest feature set and possibilities at enough attractive price.

Model Touch 623 (PocketBook Touch Lux) - Modernization of Touch 622. To all advantages of the model 622 are added adjustable LED backlight. The screen resolution is: E-ink Pearl HD (1024x758 pixels).

Model 515 (PocketBook Mini) - a budget option with five-inch screen reader. In the manufacturer&s website stated price 90 dollars. Externally, the device is very similar to a smaller version of PocketBook 613 (PocketBook Basic New). Software PocketBook Mini in appearance and functional structure is also very similar to the PocketBook 613. Screen - E-ink Vizplex 600x800 pixels.

 POCKETBOOK.  2014 models
Pocketbook Basic 2 (Pocketbook 614) Touch 626 (Touch Lux 2) Aqua 640 Ultra 650

Pocketbook Basic 2 (Pocketbook 614) is very similar outwardly to an increased copy of model 515 mini. This new budget model with 6 inch screen E-ink Pearl (600x800), which is coming on replacement to Pocketbook 613, which is taken out of production. Unlike model 515, here is a slot for a memory card. When the device is switched on, you can see that the interface and system of menu has changed just a little to compare it with Pocketbook 613. All keys of management are still situated under the display. Keys for scrolling are touch, they're situated on the both sides of the joystick. Outwardly they look like two small projecting tubercles and react on not a strong push of the finger. Complectation of the device is usual. A box, an e-reader, a short instruction and USB-cable. A link to the operating instruction is on the last tab of comparative table "Complectation and functions".

Model Touch 624 (PocketBook (Basic Touch) - Touch 623 copy function without backlight.

Модель Touch 626 (Touch Lux 2) is a copy of Touch 623 with a new microprocessor. The speed of an e-reader has increased on 20 percent.

At the end of 2015 created a modified version of this model - Pocketbook Touch Lux 3 626 Pluswith a new screen E-ink Carta (1024x758 pixels).

Model Aqua 640 is a device with touch screen e-ink Pearl (600x800) in a watertight case. Of course, a reader won't sustain complete immersion into the water, but it is not afraid of getting drops of water and sand onto the screen and case. For this property had to pay by a slot for a memory card - it simply does not exist. However, internal memory is 4 Gb, it's enough for keeping a big library.

Model Ultra 650 is an e-reader with new design and a bit unusual functions. There is a camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels in this device. It's not quite clear for what does an e-reader need a camera, but it's not its' main advantage. In Ultra 650 is used a touch screen of the last generation e-ink Carta with regulated LED backlight and a resolution of 758x1024 points, high-performance microprocessor and a module of Wi-Fi.

Pocketbook 630 Fashion

Model 630 Fashion is the only reader of extra class, which is sold in complect with a cover designed by KENZO stylized as crocodile skin. The screen of the model is touch, E-ink Pearl HD with resolution of 758x1024 dots. On both of the sides of the screen keys for scrolling are situated, it allows to manage the book by any hand. In Pocketbook 630 is a slot for micro-SD card, Wi-Fi module and LED backlight of the screen.

The latest versions of the firmware available on the official website of the Pocketbook, have the opportunity to downloads books from OPDS-libraries.

The manufacture of the device is interesting. All last models of Pocketbook are made on Shenzhen Itva Digital Applians Co. Limited, but in instruction to Pocketbook 630 Fashion as a manufacturer is "Firm Hengyang Shentian Precision Electronics Co. Ltd.", information about which in the internet is extremely small.

General characteristics for all e-book readers:

  • Advantages of a design and equipment: The strong, qualitative case, presence of module Wi-Fi and the slot for micro-SD cards.
  • Design and equipment flaws: Poor equipment. The power unit and a cover are got separately.
  • Advantages of the software: Supports many a considerable quantity of formats, Russian carryings over, fonts with smoothing, possibility of loading of TTF-fonts, additional applications, work with dictionaries. On "bookshelf" of the name of authors and covers of books, a good file-manager, support of folders on a flash card.
  • Software flaws:In some insertions base FBreader (actually the program for the reading, delivered as a part of the book software) the first 5 - 6 seconds after the beginning of loading of the book or type size change incorrectly look through pages back.

To clean a lack of the program of reading it is possible to load the alternative program:
FBReader180 или Coolreader

Selection of resources of the Internet about Pocketbook is in section "Links."

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Pocketbook 3016VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook 360 Plus New5VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook 515 Mini5E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Pocketbook 611 Basic6VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook 613 Basic New6VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook 614 Basic 26E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Pocketbook 614 Basic 3 Plus6E-ink Carta800 x 60015:1    
Pocketbook 6156E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Pocketbook 615 Plus6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook 6166E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook 625 Basic Touch 26E-ink Carta800 x 60015:1    
Pocketbook 6276E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook 6286E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook 630 Fashion6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Pocketbook 631 Touch HD6E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Pocketbook 6326E-ink Carta HD1072 x 144815:1    
Pocketbook 641 Aqua 26E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook Aqua 6406E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Pocketbook Basic Touch 6246E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Pocketbook Color Lux 8018E-ink Triton600 x 80010:1    
Pocketbook Ink Pad 3 PB7407.8E-ink Carta HD1404 x 187215:1    
Pocketbook Ink Pad 8408E-ink Pearl HD1200 x 160012:1    
Pocketbook Pro 6026VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook Pro 6126VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Pocketbook Pro 9129.7VIZPLEX825 x 12007:1    
Pocketbook Touch 6226E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Pocketbook Touch Lux 2 6266E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Pocketbook Touch Lux 3 626 Plus6E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    
Pocketbook Touch Lux 6236E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Pocketbook ULTRA 6506E-ink Carta758 x 102415:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Pocketbook 301        
Pocketbook 360 Plus New        
Pocketbook 515 Mini        
Pocketbook 611 Basic        
Pocketbook 613 Basic New        
Pocketbook 614 Basic 2        
Pocketbook 614 Basic 3 Plus        
Pocketbook 615        
Pocketbook 615 Plus        
Pocketbook 616        
Pocketbook 625 Basic Touch 2        
Pocketbook 627        
Pocketbook 628        
Pocketbook 630 Fashion        
Pocketbook 631 Touch HD        
Pocketbook 632        
Pocketbook 641 Aqua 2        
Pocketbook Aqua 640        
Pocketbook Basic Touch 624        
Pocketbook Color Lux 801        
Pocketbook Ink Pad 3 PB740        
Pocketbook Ink Pad 840        
Pocketbook Pro 602        
Pocketbook Pro 612        
Pocketbook Pro 912        
Pocketbook Touch 622        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 2 626        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 3 626 Plus        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 623        
Pocketbook ULTRA 650        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Pocketbook 301        
Pocketbook 360 Plus New        
Pocketbook 515 Mini        
Pocketbook 611 Basic        
Pocketbook 613 Basic New        
Pocketbook 614 Basic 2        
Pocketbook 614 Basic 3 Plus        
Pocketbook 615        
Pocketbook 615 Plus        
Pocketbook 616        
Pocketbook 625 Basic Touch 2        
Pocketbook 627        
Pocketbook 628        
Pocketbook 630 Fashion        
Pocketbook 631 Touch HD        
Pocketbook 632        
Pocketbook 641 Aqua 2        
Pocketbook Aqua 640        
Pocketbook Basic Touch 624        
Pocketbook Color Lux 801        
Pocketbook Ink Pad 3 PB740        
Pocketbook Ink Pad 840        
Pocketbook Pro 602        
Pocketbook Pro 612        
Pocketbook Pro 912        
Pocketbook Touch 622        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 2 626        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 3 626 Plus        
Pocketbook Touch Lux 623        
Pocketbook ULTRA 650        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Pocketbook 301      Linux     
Pocketbook 360 Plus New      Linux     
Pocketbook 515 Mini      Linux     
Pocketbook 611 Basic      Linux     
Pocketbook 613 Basic New      Linux     
Pocketbook 614 Basic 2      Linux     
Pocketbook 614 Basic 3 Plus      Linux 
Pocketbook 615      Linux 
Pocketbook 615 Plus      Linux 
Pocketbook 616      Linux 
Pocketbook 625 Basic Touch 2      Linux 
Pocketbook 627      Linux 
Pocketbook 628      Linux 
Pocketbook 630 Fashion      Linux     
Pocketbook 631 Touch HD      Linux 
Pocketbook 632      Linux 
Pocketbook 641 Aqua 2      Linux 
Pocketbook Aqua 640      Linux     
Pocketbook Basic Touch 624      Linux     
Pocketbook Color Lux 801      Linux     
Pocketbook Ink Pad 3 PB740      Linux 
Pocketbook Ink Pad 840      Linux     
Pocketbook Pro 602      Linux     
Pocketbook Pro 612      Linux     
Pocketbook Pro 912      Linux     
Pocketbook Touch 622      Linux     
Pocketbook Touch Lux 2 626      Linux     
Pocketbook Touch Lux 3 626 Plus      Linux 
Pocketbook Touch Lux 623      Linux     
Pocketbook ULTRA 650      Linux     

Pocketbook Ink Pad, Pocketbook Color Lux and Pocketbook Pro 912 are viewed in the section "Devices with big screen".




What to read?

Jean Kwok "Girl in Translation". When Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrate from Hong Kong to Brooklyn squalor, she quickly begins a secret double life: exceptional schoolgirl during the day, Chinatown sweatshop worker in the evenings. Disguising the more difficult truths of her life-like the staggering degree of her poverty, the weight of her family's future resting on her shoulders, or her secret love for a factory boy who shares none of her talent or ambition-Kimberly learns to constantly translate not just her language but herself back and forth between the worlds she straddles....

What to read?

Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2034". The basis of two bestselling computer games Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light, the Metro books have put Dmitry Glukhovsky in the vanguard of Russian speculative fiction alongside the creator of Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko. A year after the events of METRO 2033 the last few survivors of the apocalypse, surrounded by mutants and monsters, face a terrifying new danger as they hang on for survival in the tunnels of the Moscow Metro...

Yann Martel "Life of Pi". After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, one solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen-year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra with a broken leg, a female orang-utan - and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. Since it was first published in 2002, Life of Pi has entered mainstream consciousness and remains one of the most extraordinary works of fiction in recent years.

To find these books, check out the "e-library".