Texet e-readers

The Russian company Alkotel lets out devices under trade mark Texet. All books Texet are published nowadays and have six-inch screen. These readers are simple and comprehensible at the price, at the same time have a number of necessary functions.

E-book readers TEXET with E-ink displays

TB-116 TB-216 TB-126 TB-136 TB-146

Model TB-116 - the simple, easy model, capable to meet all basic desires of users. Browsing keys are located only on right side of case that is not always convenient. The screen a diagonal of 6 inches e-ink Vizplex. The device supports all basic formats of text files. Text wrappings are absent. Loadings of fonts and support dictionaries are not present.

Model TB-216 - the following model of the book. Quantity of supported formats of files at level TB-116, have possibility to read DJVU is added. Browsing keys are located on both parties of the screen. Any considerable changes in the software has not appeared.

Model TB-126 - the further development of e-book readers TEXET. That display - 6 inches e-ink Vizplex, possibility of reading of the basic formats of the text, except DJVU. From appendices: a calendar, hours, the receiver.

Model TB-136 Has convenient keys of browsing at the left and to the right of the screen. From new possibilities of a book shelf - ability to show a cover of books.

Model TB-146 has screen E-ink Pearl. From new possibilities of a book shelf - support of zip-archives.

General characteristics for all e-book readers:

Selection of resources of the Internet about e-book readers Texet is in section "Links."

The table of parametres.

Display and flash card Formats of files Fonts and bookshelf Complete set and functions

Mo­del of e-rea­der Disp­lay Flash ca­rd
Di­a­go­nal Type Re­so­lu­tion Cont­rast Touch­scre­en Back­light SD Mic­ro SD
Texet TB-1166VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Texet TB-116FL6E-ink Pearl HD758 x 102412:1    
Texet TB-1266VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Texet TB-1366VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Texet TB-1388O-paper758 x 102412:1    
Texet TB-1466E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-1666E-ink Pearl600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-176FL6O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-2166VIZPLEX600 x 8007:1    
Texet TB-416FL6O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-418FL8O-paper758 x 102412:1    
Texet TB-4364.3O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-5044.3O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-526FL6O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-5666O-paper600 x 80010:1    
Texet TB-5788O-paper758 x 102412:1    

Mo­del of e-rea­der Text for­mats
Texet TB-116        
Texet TB-116FL        
Texet TB-126        
Texet TB-136        
Texet TB-138        
Texet TB-146        
Texet TB-166        
Texet TB-176FL        
Texet TB-216        
Texet TB-416FL        
Texet TB-418FL        
Texet TB-436        
Texet TB-504        
Texet TB-526FL        
Texet TB-566        
Texet TB-578        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Font / text Book shelf
TTF Car­ryings Foot­no­tes Fol­ders on a SD-card Fi­le na­mes Au­tors / book na­mes Book co­vers Fi­le ma­na­ger
Texet TB-116        
Texet TB-116FL        
Texet TB-126        
Texet TB-136        
Texet TB-138        
Texet TB-146        
Texet TB-166        
Texet TB-176FL        
Texet TB-216        
Texet TB-416FL        
Texet TB-418FL        
Texet TB-436        
Texet TB-504        
Texet TB-526FL        
Texet TB-566        
Texet TB-578        

Mo­del of e-rea­der Equ­ip­ment You can down­lo­ad OS WiFi User ma­nu­al
USB ca­ble Char­ger Co­ver Ap­pli­ca­tions Alt. Firm­wa­re Dic­tio­na­ry
Texet TB-116      Linux 
Texet TB-116FL      Linux 
Texet TB-126      Linux 
Texet TB-136      Linux 
Texet TB-138      Android 
Texet TB-146      Linux 
Texet TB-166      Android 
Texet TB-176FL      Android 
Texet TB-216      Linux 
Texet TB-416FL      Linux 
Texet TB-418FL      Linux 
Texet TB-436      Linux 
Texet TB-504      Linux 
Texet TB-526FL      Linux 
Texet TB-566      Linux 
Texet TB-578      Linux 




What to read?

Stephen King "11.22.63". WHAT IF you could go back in time and change the course of history? WHAT IF the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination? 11.22.63, the date that Kennedy was shot - unless... King takes his protagonist Jake Epping, a high school English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, 2011, on a fascinating journey back to 1958 - from a world of mobile phones and iPods to a new world of Elvis and JFK, of Plymouth Fury cars and Lindy Hopping, of a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and a beautiful high school librarian named Sadie Dunhill, who becomes the love of Jake's life - a life that transgresses all the normal rules of time.

What to read?

Cecelia Ahern "PS, I Love You". A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel! Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens...

Neil Gaiman "Trigger Warning". From one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved storytellers of our time comes a major new collection of stories and verse "We each have our little triggers ... things that wait for us in the dark corridors of our lives." So says Neil Gaiman in his introduction to Trigger Warning, a remarkable compendium of twenty-five stories and poems that explore the transformative power of imagination.

To find these books, check out the "e-library".