Electronic books are very popular last time. They are read at home, in transport and on the rest. This article is about of a choice of the universal device for comfortable reading.
The electronic book (differently e-reader, e-book reader, bookreader) is the portable device specially intended for long reading, also long-term storage of hundreds, and sometimes and thousand е-books. E-book readers possess various types of screens and the software because of what the same text on the screen of different devices displayed differently. Besides it at them a various resource of internal batteries.
For begin we will consider different devices in size with the small book of the pocket edition. Such devices can be easily located in a small bag for ladies. The size of the screen at them is about 5 or 6 inches. In the memory or on a SD-card they are capable to place all your house library.
Let's aim to choose the optimum device for reading: convenient for uploading of books, comfortable for reading and not very the expensive. For begin we recommend you to read section "terms". There is an information about displays, text formats, fonts and other features of e-book readers.It will help to understand what of functions of the e-book reader are necessary minimum , what are convenient for having, and for what it is not necessary to overpay
The "Table of parametres"is located in section "devices" which includes the types and the sizes of the displays, convenience of loading of books in the devices, support of various text formats, actually comfort of reading (fonts, carryings over, footnotes are consistently considered) is presented, and then and the additional parametres expanding basic functions of the reader.
Further we suggest to pass to the review of firms-manufacturers and concrete models of electronic books and on the basis of the received information to make the choice.
Besides, it is possible to discuss "pluses" and "minuses" of various devices at a forum.
This site is not an advertising platform of any firm-manufacturer of readers. It is created by users and readers of electronic books on the basis of tests of real devices and the analysis of forums responses and the users guides on e-book readers.
If you had any questions under electronic books, set them on ours forum.