Kobo Mini


  • model of the screen: E-ink Pearl
  • diagonal, inches: 5
  • touch (infrared)
  • resolution: 600 x 800 dots
  • contrast: 10:1
  • density 200 dots per inch (ppi)
  • backlight of the screen : no
  • the size of the workspace of the screen 76x102 mm.
*to compare - si­ze of the text on the pa­ge of a pa­per bo­ok in soft co­ver 84x138 mm., con­trast of the text of a news­pa­per is a­bo­ut 10:1, of la­zer print on whi­te pa­per a­bo­ut 21:1
*How to change the screen on Kobo Mini look here.

Slot for a memory card:

  • is absent


  • capacity: 1000 mah
  • model of a battery: GN344658
  • one bat­te­ry charge sho­uld suf­fi­ce for brow­ing of 10000 pa­ges
*where to buy and how to cha­nge a bat­te­ry in this re­a­der re­ad in a ma­te­ri­al "Models of batteries"

Wi-Fi module: yes

Contents of delivey:

  • e-reader
  • USB-cable

Dimensions: 133 x 102 x 10 mm.

Weight: 134 g.

Kobo Mini


  • support of folder's structure: no
  • factorial programme for reading: manufacturer's
  • hyphenations in the text: no¹
  • Footnotes at the bottom of the page: no¹
  • ability of downloading Cool Reader: yes
  • possibility of installation your own fonts: yes
  • possibility of installation extra apps: yes
  • possibility of installation extra dictionaries: yes
¹ - function ap­pe­ars af­ter in­stal­la­ti­on of Cool Reader.


  • files: doesn't show
  • names of books: shows
  • book covers: shows
  • file manager: no

Supported file formats:


    ² - After in­stal­la­ti­on of Cool Reader ap­pe­ars the a­bi­li­ty to re­ad bo­oks of for­mat FB2

See the instruction

Fonts for Kobo Mini

Dictionaries for Kobo Mini