The battery for SONY PRS-900

In order to be sure that exactly this battery is installed in your e-book it is necessary to disassemble your device before ordering something. Some manufacturers of e-books install different batteries into different batches of the same model!

Attention: the authors are not responsible for disruptions of work of e-books got after using this information. Everything you do is on your risk! Using this method removes your e-book from the warranty!

In e-books SONY PRS-900 is installed the battery CS-PRD900SL.

The battery for SONY PRS-900 - CS-PRD900SL

Parameters of the battery:

  • model: CS-PRD900SL
  • capacity: 1400 mAh
  • length: 61 mm
  • width: 47 mm
  • thickness: 7.0 mm

It is easy to replace the battery in an e-book SONY PRS-900. First, you have to receive the access to the battery and you need to take off the back cover of the device. Look at the materials lower in order to learn how to do that. Try not to damage plastic details of the case, disassemble plastic latches with the help of a plastic card and never use screwdrivers for it. After taking off the back cover you only need to exchange an old battery for a new one, to assemble the e-book and to check its operability in the reading mode and charging mode.

You can order a new battery in the internet-shop using this link:

You can see the step by step instruction for disassembling of the e-book on the site using this link:


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