The battery for Pocketbook 613 Basic New

In order to be sure that exactly this battery is installed in your e-book it is necessary to disassemble your device before ordering something. Some manufacturers of e-books install different batteries into different batches of the same model!

Attention: the authors are not responsible for disruptions of work of e-books got after using this information. Everything you do is on your risk! Using this method removes your e-book from the warranty!

In e-books Pocketbook 613 Basic New is installed the battery MLP255085.

The battery for Pocketbook 613 Basic New - MLP255085

Parameters of the battery:

  • model: MLP255085
  • capacity: 1100 mAh
  • length: 85 mm
  • width: 50.5 mm
  • thickness: 2.5 mm

You have to perform the following sequence to replace the battery of Pocketbook 613 Basic New.

You can order a new battery in the internet-shop using this link:

You can see the step by step instruction for disassembling of the e-book on the site using this link:

You can see a step by step instruction for disassembling an e-book here:


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